Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So Excited

I'm so excited about blogging this semester! I have very little experience with this, but I have tried to keep a blog before...I think I only had about 4 posts. So this has to be better! I learned a lot from Will Richardson's book so far; three chapters down. I know posts should be short (not so easy for me!) and they should have links and resources of things I find interesting.

I've been trying to set up a training workshop on Google Earth and I found a site I wanted to share: http://www.google.com/educators/activities.html

I found some really great activities, like following the Presidental candidates as they stop for different primaries. I've very excited to get started!


  1. I agree the book was very helpful and practical - as was your reference to the Google website. I have a lot to learn.

  2. Hey Darcie,

    Thanks for reading my book, and welcome to the blogosphere! Keep on blogging!


    Will Richardson

  3. I want to know more about Google Earth! I was just trying to figure it out yesterday... I heard that I could do city tours using it in Spanish Class. I like how you've already put in some links!


  4. Thanks Will! I'm enjoying blogging and your book.
