Saturday, August 30, 2008

Some Changes...

If you're following my blog, you may have noticed a few changes. The biggest being the name change. When I first started this blog it was for one of my graduate classes. I had to come up with a name pretty quickly and wasn't quite prepared for it. I chose two things close to me and threw the name together. When my parents moved into the first real home I remember, they planted a Dogwood tree in the back yard, as my tree. We've grown together over the years and sadly to say, the tree is now taller than me. (They don't get very big, but I'm not that tall either). There is also a creek that runs behind my parents house and it seems that every where I move, I'm by water. So it was my first attempt at a name for my blog.

Recently, however, I've wondering about the name and decided I needed something more professional and in tune with technology and education. So I played with some words again and came up technication, a hybrid of the words technology and education. I hope you'll enjoy some of the changes and stick with me. I plan to have a rotating picture at the top of the page and I've added a place to subscribe to posts and a blogroll of the blogs I frequently read, straight from my Google reader.

Take care!

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