Friday, April 10, 2009

Blowing the doors off NECC

I am so excited about the upcoming NECC conference in Washington, D.C. this summer! It will be my first time at this global conference and what makes it even better is that it's practically in my backyard this year. No airplane fare, hotel fees, lugging luggage, not knowing where I am...just an "easy" drive to the Springfield metro station (depending on traffic) and a metro ride to the convention center.

It looks like Classroom 2.0 LIVE is excited too. Tomorrow they are offering a webinar on everything NECC related, in their "Blowing the doors off NECC" session. There will be a brainstorming planning session with Wes Fryer, the author of the blog "Moving at the Speed of Creativity", and discussions on the third annual EduBloggerCon at NECC being held on Saturday, June 27th for anyone interested in web 2.0 in education, and NECC Unplugged and NECC Live.

I'm not sure what NECC Unplugged and NECC Live are, but I'm guess I'm going to find out. I participated in a mini-edubloggercon at FETC. So it should be a fun session tomorrow! For more information, go to Steve Hargadon's blog. See you online!

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