At, you can search for information and preview result websites all at the same time. It’s pretty nifty looking and from my brief use, very handy. Melzoo boldly states on it’s website’s “About us” page that they are going to beat the competition, (Google and Yahoo) and become the number one search engine out there, “MelZoo is planning on becoming one of the most Mindblowing Mega Projects ever on the internet.” From what I’ve seen, it could possibly do that.
The idea behind Melzoo is it’s "visual previews" of the search results.
In the picture above, the results are viewed on the left and the preview of a result website is on the right. They are very confident that their website will result in being time-saving, efficient and will be result-increasing. Similar to any search engine, type in a topic to search and many websites will appear. The difference with Melzoo is the preview feature.
I went to Melzoo and did a search for resources on economics, for upcoming lessons for the Civics department. I typed in economics for middle school education and instantly found several websites. As I hovered over the first website, the preview of the webpage came up on the right side of my screen. This occurred every time I hovered over a website. The advantage to this, was that I could see what resources the website had to offer before going to the results website and then decide if I wanted to use it in my research. Another advantage is that you can go to the result website by clicking on either the result side or the preview side of the screen, however, this does lead to my biggest compliant about Melzoo as well.
There were a few times that as I was going to the preview side of the screen to check out the actual website, I ended up getting a preview of another website. If you go the tiniest bit close to another website, your preview is going to change. I found that I had to keep my mouse moving in a straight sideways position to keep this from happening, which to me is a little aggravating. Another disadvantage is that unlike many other search engines I can’t search for pictures. For example, both Google and MSN have a special images search tool. I could still search for images, but all of them were associated with other websites. For this, I did a search on prohibition images and found many websites that have images of prohibition on them, but that would require going to the website, instead of just going through search results.
Here are some links to what others are saying about Melzoo:
Preview Your Web Search Results With Melzoo
MelZoo takes on Google with split-screen search
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