Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wiki Thoughts

After reading chapters 4, 6, and 9 in Richardson's book, I've had several thoughts come to mind about wikis. The first being one that I think most educators would think about-"How do you trust what people put on them?" This is something I know that my county and me personally have thought about, especially with wikipedia. I've followed suit with most ITRT's and have said that it can be used as a secondary source only and that students need to double check the facts that they've found on it. But is this undermining what wikipedia is all about?

My second thought about wikis is about teacher use. I've surprised by how simple they are to use and that most teachers- digital immigrant or not - could use these very easily for their classes. Why shouldn't they? It's almost as easy as putting a wiki together as it is any other group project-the only difference is the broader audience.

I think I now have some good ideas to use in my building.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same concerns as you, Darcie, but I'm excited to use a wiki with my students. When incorrect information is posted, another student will (hopefully) catch that and will correct it! What a great learning opportunity!
