Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kwality Blogging

I found this great blog a few weeks ago, which I think really epitomizes the idea of blogs, called Kwality Blogging. The blog is written by Mr. Sill, a Video Production teacher at El Diamante High School in Visalia, CA. I didn’t have a chance until today to really go through it and read some of the posts, but I was just fascinated by the post from January 27th. As I was reading it, my impression was that this was a professor at the collegiate level. It wasn’t until I scrolled back to the top that I saw the blog was from a high school teacher. So that right there impressed me. This teacher knew what he was talking about.

This particular post talks about ideas in documentary filmmaking and the recently released movie Cloverfield, by producer J.J. Abrams, who created Lost and Alias (two of my very favorite television shows). I liked this blog post, especially, because the author threads ideas of using technology in the classroom with that of mainstream society. It made me want to sit in his class and learn about filmmaking! I also thoroughly enjoyed the various links he has through out his post, including the one with J.J. Abrams at TED. TED is another great site if you haven’t seen it. It also made me realize that I could/should be creating links right in the text of my post, instead of waiting until the end of my post. I think I have the hang of that now.

This post of Mr. Sill’s also made me start thinking about this upcoming week of class, in which we will be learning about Windows Movie Maker, the Flip Digital Video Camera, and Public Service Announcements (PSA’s). In my journalism classes as an undergrad, I learned all about PSA’s. Then when I became a teacher, I saw them being used in a different way in the classroom. I think they are a great product for students to make and helps them understand how their voice can be heard on a variety of subjects. I also know a great deal about Windows Movie Maker so that should help in completing our group’s PSA. I’ve seen the flip video, however I have not worked with it, so I am very interested in using this tool this week.


  1. I really like what you've done here Darcie. It shows a lot of enthusiasm for blogging. My hope is that some will rub off on my because I'm really struggling with how to use these.

  2. Thanks for the comments. What a welcome surprise to find that someone other than my students read my blog and that's only because I make them. LOL!
